Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 12, 2013


Looking back at 2013, I can say that never before has there been a year with so many ups and downs as this one.  There are both good and bad moments every year, but in 2013 the oscillations between the ups and downs were really huge. But now, at the end of the year, I'm going to leave behind all those disturbing, terrifying and utterly devastating moments, along with all those failures and disappointments and take stock of the good moments only, of achievements, of successes which will hopefully continue in 2014 as well.

1) Academically, it's been a terrific year - my husband got his Masters, my older son is just about to get his Bachelor's and will continue to pursue his Masters and my younger son enrolled at college. And I got a grant for a year-long ELA - eLearning Academy by CARNet, so this year I'm a student again - studying about e-learning and pedagogy, writing papers about it and getting grades for my work!

2) We travelled a lot - on stand by, of course. We stepped on a new continent - South America. We visited Rio de Janeiro and were impressed with the beauty of this unique city. The second long-haul flight of 2013 was to Chicago, a city that made a really huge impression on me, with its stunning skyline, the Millenium Park, the Navy Pier, the Mag Mile, the Willis Tower and the outstanding  Indians on Horseback by Ivan Mestrovic, a famous Croatian sculptor.

3) I also travelled to Valencia for a Comenius visit, which marked the end of a successful Comenius project that I was coordinating at my school and that connected teachers and students from 8 countries.

4) At my school we opened the Croatian Future Classroom (CFC) - we're not the only Croatian school that is piloting the use of tablets in learning and we are definitely not among those schools where all the teachers have tablets, (but have been trying hard to get one for each teacher - to no avail yet!), but we certainly are the only Croatian school with such a beautiful flexible learning space.

5) Learning in such an environment inspired Samsung Corporation to shoot a promotional video at my school - starring Sonja and me along with the headteacher, students, some parents and the director of CARNet. The making of the video was totally out of our world - the film crew arrived from Chicago, all those vans, our own stylist and make-up artist and so much fun. Of course, with so many enthusiastic actors, the promo video is a warm account of 21st century teaching and learning and of  forward thinking.

6) This has been  the third year in a row that Sonja and I led a series of webinars for matura exam candidates from across the country.

7) My collaboration with Bart was even more intensive than last year. We led two learning events on the eTwinning platform during which we trained 350 teachers. The first event was about the pedagogy in eTwinning projects, the second about education 3.0. We immensely enjoyed preparing the events and we led them with lots of enthusiasm and passion and the feedback by the participants was amazing. Bart and I gave two workshops on The Pedagogical Value of eTwinning projects at the Annual eTwinning Conference in Lisbon. The workshops evaluation was beyond my wildest dreams - out of 77 participants, 51 said that the workshops were excellent, 18 opted for very good and 8 said it was good. We also did the opening plenary  at the Dubrovnik contact seminar - it was a plenary workshop, with lots of interaction from the participants, because we both believe that involving the audience is what matters.Bart and I also led the first eTwinning Twitterathon - Twitter marathon, which was highly successful. Earlier in the year we hosted a TeachMeet event and a Partners in Learning Alumni Reunion.

8) I also led the first Croatian Learning Event, along with Suzana, during which we trained 200 teachers on how to use web 2.0 technologies to develop the key competences.

9) I've done a lot of work for eTwinning Croatia as well. I gave a webinar on Online Testing Tools, a blended module entitled "The Classroom without Walls",  two workshops entitled "A Little Bit of Magic with Collaboration Tools" and a plenary at the national etwinning conference entitled "Lifelong Learning just a Click away".

10) I also continued my work as edtech consultant and workshop leader (or as they may call it: Teacher Champion) for CARNet's award-winning project Schools 2.0 and Inspiring Science Education. I gave a webinar for Schoolnet South Africa about gamification, for the Living Schools lab by the European Schoolnet about flexible learning spaces, for RSCON about lifelong learning, for BaW about online testing,  for AMPEU about Comenius multilateral partnerships.  I gave a number of workshops about the 21st century teaching and learning for different associations of teachers and headteachers in Croatia. I hosted a TeachMeet for a European project Green Future.

11) I shook hands with the President of Croatia.
and talked to the Senior Vice President of Samsung.

12) And last, but really endearing because this had been my wish for years, I made my first lip dub and, as a matter of fact, my second one, as well -  in my workshops at the Dubrovnik seminar I inspired two groups of teachers to create two lip dubs - they sang Don't stop me now!

Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 12, 2013


I've been tagged in a blogging meme by my dear friends Eva BuyuksimkesyanJanet Bianchini and Cristina Silva.

The task includes:
  1. Acknowledge the nominating blogger.
  2. Share 11 random facts about yourself.
  3. Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you.
  4. List 11 bloggers.
  5. Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer, and let all the bloggers know they have been nominated. Don’t nominate a blogger who has nominated you.
So here I go:
11 random facts about me
1. I'm a proud mom of two boys who are now at university, studying mechanical engineering and ICT.
2. My husband and I swim 2 kilometers every Sunday. We've been doing that  for 12 years now.
3.  I travel a lot, but always on stand-by, which means that we can travel only if there are free seats available on the plane. It can get really nerve-racking, but it's worth it.
4.  Until last year I thought  jogging was not my kind of sport. Now I simply adore it.
5.  I like reading and always have my Kindle in my purse.
6.  I can't stand waiting in queues because I think that's utter waste of time. That's why I never leave home without my Kindle.
7. I can shop for hours without getting bored. It's not necessary that I buy anything. I'm happy with just browsing. 
8. I joined Twitter because of Ashton Kutcher. I'm still following him, but he's never followed me back.
9.  I'm a chocoholic. I can't say no to chocolate. I love all sorts, but I'm totally nuts about dark chocolate with whole nuts.
10. I think I've tried every diet. As a matter of fact I'm always on a diet. Except when I'm eating chocolate.
11. I can sew, knit and crochet. I used to make my own clothes - skirts, blouses, dresses, caps, mittens.

My answers to Eva's questions:
1. Do you remember the first class you entered as a teacher?
Yes, I do. That was a long time ago, when I was still a student at university I was hired as a sub in a primary school. I was standing there petrified while the headteacher was introducing me to a class of 14-year olds.. The moment she left, I felt at ease. I still remember what I was wearing on that day - a striped black and white dress with big white buttons on the back - I designed and made it myself.
2. What is your favorite social media platform? Why?
Twitter because I learn so much from my PLN. Facebook, because it's fun.
3. How do you think blogging helps your teaching?
It's  a great way to reflect on what I have done as a teacher or as a teacher trainer.
4. Tea or Coffee?
Coffee by all means. I'm a coffeeholic too.
5. Who is your favorite singer, band, musician?
Robbie Williams
6. Do you attend conferences? Why? / why not?
Yes, I love conferences because I can meet people (usually from my PLN) fcf and learn, learn, learn. I'm addicted to learning.
7. Who were the most helpful tweeters or bloggers for you when you started blogging or tweeting?
Shelly Terrell, Karenne Sylvester and Burcu Akyol.
8. What will be the first goal in your New Year’s resolutions list this year?
Flip my classroom more often.
9. Where would you like to travel in 2014?
Buenos Aires.
10. How long does it take to write a blog post for you and how often do you update your blog?
Sometimes it takes so long that I quit. At other times words just keep flowing and this is an amazing feeling. Most often I have writer's block at the beginning, I know what I want to write, but words just don't keep coming. After a while however, there they are and I can write for hours on end. I write at least one post a month on each of my blogs.
11. What is your favorite food?
Chocolate :-)
My answers to Janet's questions:
1. What has been one of your priceless 'aha' moments as a teacher?
In 2009, when I introduced my students to Glogster I realized there was a very thin line between them as digital natives and me as a digital immigrant.
2. Which educator has inspired you to be the best teacher you can be?
My teacher of German from my primary school. He was an erudite teacher who instilled the love of language in his students.

3. Are you an early bird or night owl?
Both. I don't sleep a lot. But I like quiet early mornings the most.

4. Which do you prefer, Facebook or Twitter and why?
Twitter because it's there that I learn most. Facebook,
 because it's fun. 
5. Which adjectives would you use to describe yourself using the letters of your first name?
Ardent - about everything I do.

6.Do you collect anything in particular?  If so, what is it and how long have you been collecting it?
I've been collecting fridge magnets since 1998 when I bought my first magnet in Lichtenstein. My fridge is not big enough for all the magnets, so we also have a magnet board.

7.Which place in the world would you most like to visit, and why?
Bondi Beach at Christmas Time to see what it's like to spend Christmas on the beach and see Santa in swimming trunks.

8. What is the most treasured possession you have received from one of your former students?
A book they made containing all their names, photos and a special message for me from each one of them. I'll keep it forever. 

Do you like teaching exam classes?  No, I don't. I'm dreaming of a school with no exams, no grades, just plain leanirng and having fun while doing it.

10. What do you most enjoy about blogging?
I'm the happiest when someone leaves a comment.

11. What's your favourite song?
Go gentle by Robbie Williams.
My answers to Cristina's questions:
1. What was the best moment in your life?
When I met my husband. It happened on a warm summer afternoon on Island Krk.

2. Do you expect much of people?
Yes, I do.I believe in the good of all people. By default.

3. How many true friends do you have?
I'm lucky I have a few true friends who I can rely on and who I  love fondly.

4. What do you do when you need to have YOUR moment?
I go jogging.

5. What is the film of your life?
"My travels" - a travel movie.

6. When was the last time you slept 10h? 
I don't remember.

7. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
Look at the alarm clock.

8. Which historical character would you like to meet if you had that chance?
Marco Polo, because I'd like to ask him where he really comes from, either from Korčula, Croatia or Venice, Italy.

9. An embarrassing moment in your life was…
As the coordinator of the Comenius project at my school I organized a visit of 51 teachers and students from 7 European countries in Zagreb. I planned everything very carefully, including the meals at restaurants, but somehow missed to ask people about their dietary habits. I was really embarrassed when I realized that the food I had ordered was inappropriate for some people. Luckily, the chef was really understanding and skillful and cooked new food really fast. 

10. When did you last burst out laughing and couldn’t stop?
In October at the eTwinning contact seminar in Dubrovnik when a good friend told a story about his childhood fears. Hilarious!

11. City or countryside?
City, definitely. I used to live in the countryside when I was a little girl and even though I only have nice memories of it, I prefer living in a city. 

I tag you:
Daniela Bunea, Alessandra Pallavicini, Sonya Van Schaijik, Sanja Božinović, Mihaela Rusu, Lidija Kralj, Suzana Delić, Tea Horvatić, Jugoslava Lulić, Maja Dakić Brković, Anna Varna.

And I'm looking forward to your answers:
1) What is your favourite book?
2) How much time on an average day do you spend online?
3) iPad or Android tablets?
4) What do you consider the most valuable thing you own?
5) What is your favourite way to waste time?
6) If a movie was being made about you who would you choose to play you and why?
7) If you could have an endless supply of food what would that be?
8) What's the best holiday you've been on?
9) What's the worst haircut you've ever had?
10) What three things do you love most about your best friend?
11) What is your favourite smell and what memory does it remind you of?

Thank you  Eva, Janet and Cristina for tagging me. I really appreciate it.

Finally, let me tell you that when number eleven is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is this hilarious video about a voice recognition elevator:

Chủ Nhật, 22 tháng 12, 2013

ESL Christmas 2013: The Nativity Story

Christmas has become a fun filled holiday for people all over the world - regardless of whether they are Christian or not.  As a result many people are very familiar with the idea of Santa Claus, gift giving, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, Jingle Bells and Christmas dinner of turkey and all the trimmings. 

However, some people are not familiar with the reason practicing Christians celebrate this special day. 

The following video tells the story of Christmas that comes from the Bible.  It does not matter if you believe the story or not, but IS is important to know the story itself if you want to understand Christian beliefs and culture.

  • Try to listen to the story several times WITHOUT reading the subtitles. 
  • Then, try to answer the questions. ( Do NOT check your answers)   
  • Next, go back and listen to the story while you read the subtitles.  
  • Answer the questions again.  Check the answers. 
  • Read along WITH the speaker - at the same time, NOT after him. When you speak at the same time as the speaker, this is called shadow speaking. 

 Read about the Nativity Story 

Traditional Christmas Carols: 

I'm including some traditional Christmas carols  that focus on the real meaning of Christmas.  People have sung these carols for hundreds of years, so it is useful for you to know some of them. 

Silent Night

Silent Night ( German Stille Nach, heilige Nacht) is the best known Christmas carol in the world.  It has been translated into more than 140 languages and sung by every singer who has ever released a Christmas album.  Composed in 1818 in Austria, it was declared an intagible cultural heritage by UNESCO in March 20111. 

In 1914,during World War 1,  soldiers on both sides called a Christmas truce for one night when one side heard the other singing silent night.  All soldiers on both sides began singing the song in their own language as it was one song they all knew. That night, the enemy troops spent the evenig celebrating Christmas together singing, getting to know each other and talking about their loved ones.  The next day, they went back to shooting and killing each other. 

Silent Night and the Seven O'clock News 

In 1966 Well known singers Simon and Garfunkel  recorded two contrasting recordings: a simple arrangement of the Christmas carol "Silent Night", and a simulated "7 O'Clock News" bulletin of the actual events of 3 August 1966.

Breath of Heaven

This song focuses on how frightened Mary was and her hopes that she could live up to the responsibilities she was going to have as the mother of God. The video features scenes adapted from the 2007 film "The Nativity Story" by New Lines Productions Inc. 

O Holy Night 

This song was originally written in French and is often sung at Christian services on Christmas eve. More than 100 artists have recorded this song,  This version by Canadian singer Josh Groban is very powerful.  

Do You Hear What I Hear?

This song  focuses on what the shepherds in the field heard and saw on the first
Christmas when Jesus was born.

What Child Is This 

The next two songs focus on the joy Christmas is supposed to bring and reminds us that we need to remember to keep some of that joy in our heart even when things in our life are bad. 

Try to sing along with this next song as loudly as you can. Make sure you really open your mouth wide. It will help with your pronunciation, your phrasing and your speaking fluency. 

Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 12, 2013

ETWION - inspiring, powerful, irresistible

I love Twitter, I always have, ever since I first started following Ashton Kutcher @aplusk, (yes, really!) in April 2009. Only a month later, my PLN began to take shape. That was also the time when the first educational Twitter chat took place.

4,5 years later, my PLN plays a very important role for my professional, but also personal development and Twitter chats are events I take part in whenever I can.  I have grown both professionally and personally over those 4,5 year, as Italian educator Alessandra Pallavicini aptly said:

Yesterday, I went even further than that -  I led the first eTwinning Twitter Marathon together with Bart Verswijvel, with whom I have already done lots of educational projects that have inspired a huge number of educators worldwide.

ETWION as we called it, brought together more than 150 educators from all over the world. It lasted for 5 hours non-stop, with Bart and me welcoming the audience, involving them in the conversations, making sure everything was running smoothly and being there for the participants all the time without stopping. Our special guest, Shelly Terrell, @shellterrell, American educator and co-founder of #edchat, greatly  contributed  to the topic Using Social Media for CPD.

These five hours passed in a flash. You could feel contagious enthusiasm and passion in the tweets with the  #etwion hashtag.  Everything was perfect except one thing that, fortunately, no one noticed, but the two of us ( Bart and I were in touch via Skype during the whole event).At one point, during the second hour of ETWION, I got a message from Tweedeck telling me that  I had reached the daily limit of tweets and I wasn't allowed to tweet  from that platform anymore! But I could still tweet from Twitter web (with no possibility of retweets, though) and I also used Echofon on my iPad. Suddenly, less than an hour later, the service was restored  and I was back in business at full speed.

During the Twitterathon some wonderful resources were shared, creative ideas were exchanged, student projects were showcased, web tools were discussed, ETWION games were made, new partnerships were forged and new projects were launched. At the end, the information everybody wanted to have was the date of the next ETWION.

Bart made this chirpified list of tweets and Valentina Garoia of European Schoolnet collected all the tweets in Tweet Archivist.

The number of sent tweets is absolutely amazing - 1703 during the five hours. I lead the list of top tweeters - no wonder, I love Twitter - and connecting and learning with like-minded educators.

Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 12, 2013

ESL Christmas with Charlie Brown

After nearly 50 years, one  of the greatest Christmas holiday specials continues to be the animated cartoon  "A Charlie Brown Christmas"  

Why is it so special? According to Robert Loyd, film critic for the Los Angeles Times, " it isn't about any invented crisis in the life of an imaginary  creature. There are no elves, no reindeer, no Santa. It's just about us. 

The Spirit of Christmas 
 Charles Schulz, the creator of "Peanuts"  wrote a little fable  about how a meaningful  holiday such as Christmas has become so commercialized that it has  lost any meaning. The only magic Christmas now allows  is the kind we create ourselves when we pay attention to someone besides ourselves.  

"A Charlie Brown Christmas" remains true to both the spirit of Christmas and to the spirit of "Peanuts."

Although it t emphasizes the need for hope and love, it still reminds us that for many people around the world the Christmas season can bring anxiety and a feeling of being alone and unloved. 

 "I know nobody likes me," sighs Charlie Brown in the animated special.  "Why do we have to have a holiday season to emphasize it?"

The Charlie Brown Christmas Tree 
The sad little Christmas tree he buys for the school play stands for all the world's underfed, unseen, unloved,  yet it is not beyond rescue. 

In fact, with a little love, care and attention, it can truly be something special and even magic. 

Subtle, slow and quiet — absolutely silent at times — the special is remains as satisfying today as it was when it was first shown in 1965. 

In addition to the wonderful score by Vince Guaraldi's famous jazz piano score, 
the production features the voicers of real children rather than adult actors trying to sound like children. "

Watch the special and learn about one of the most popular idioms about Christmas that comes from the story: A Charlie Brown Christmas Tree. 

How Well did you Understand? 

Watch the film as many times as you need to. Then see how  many questions you can answer in the quiz below. 

Also, can you answer the question: What is a Charlie Brown Christmas tree?

Now, try this song.

For more information  on Charlie Brown 's christmas as well as other Charlie Brown stories go to  Jennthebenn's Peanut Page

For the complete transcript go to:  Transcript Charlie Brown Christmas

Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 12, 2013

ESL Christmas: Home for Christmas

One of the most important parts of any holiday, whether it be Christmas, Hanukkah, Lunar New Year,  or Kwanzaa  is coming home to be with your family and friends. 

Many Christmas songs focus on how lonely people are when they can't be with their loved ones. 

Sometimes this is is because they live in different places. Other times, one person is  traveling or working away from home. 

Thinking about Home

No matter what the reason, Christmas or any other holiday can be a time of loneliness and homesickness when we find ourselves thinking of home....wherever that may be.  

Canada is a country full of immigrants, many of whom have left family and friends back in countries such as China, Korea, Poland, Columbia, Peru....

It is common for them to feel lonely and homesick at this time of year. 

Here are a few songs that focus on some of the deep emotions that being away from our loved ones bring out in us.  

Song for a Winter's Night 

This song sung by Canadian singer Sarah McLachlan and written by Canadian singer songwriter Gordon Lightfoot has become a popular Christmas song because it focuses on  the desire to be with a loved one.  Christmas is a time when we think of the people we love who are far away from us. 


This is a new version of Home sung by Blake Shelton and Michael Buble that focuses specifically on how much would like to be home for Christmas. 

The original song by Michael  Buble shows the same emotion, but stresses how hard it is to be away from people you love at any time.  This is an easy song to sing along to because it is clear and slow and full of emotion. Try to sing along with it as many times as you can, and put as much emotion into your voice as possible when you sing it. It will definitely help your pronunciation.

I'll Be Home For Christmas 

Even a beginner can sing this song which communicates the feelings of anyone who wants to be home for the holidays. If you can't be home in reality, you CAN go home in your dreams. What a lovely idea. This is a slow song that doesn't have many difficult words. Enjoy! 


Have Yourself  a Merry Little  Christmas is one of the great Christmas classics and has been recorded by hundreds of singers. 
Judy Garland sang the original song to her sister in the movie Meet Me in St. Louis. Her sister was upset because their  father wanted to move her family away from her  "home"  to New York. 

The original song was much sadder in order to suit the story line in the movie movie  but Judy Garland thought it was too depressing, so the writers changed the lyrics to make it a little more hopeful. Read the original lyrics at the end of the song. 

Original lyrics:

Have yourself a merry little Christmas, it may be your last,
Next year we may all be living in the past
Have yourself a merry little Christmas, pop that champagne cork,
Next year we will all be living in New York.
No good times like the olden days, happy golden days of yore,
Faithful friends who were dear to us, will be near to us no more.
But at least we all will be together, if the Fates allow,
From now on we'll have to muddle through somehow.
So have yourself a merry little Christmas now.

I think we all understand why Judy wanted it changed to a happier, more hopeful version 

Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 12, 2013

ESL Christmas Love Songs

Love is one of the main messages of Christmas. 

People all over the world enjoy sharing their love with each other at this special time. 

But Christmas can also be a time of  loss and heartbreak - a time when people remember a love lost and the wonderfu  times they had.

Although these are not traditional Christmas carols, the following songs have no become classics because they show both the joy, the sadness and  the yearning that Christmas and the holiday season brings to people in love.   

Here are a few songs to keep you in the mood, whether you are happy or sad. Listen, play the game. Then sing along. There's lots of Christmas vocabulary here.  Try some.

But first, let's try some some vocabulary review 

All I Want for Christmas is You:

Justin Bieber, Mariah Carey

Before you watch:

1.   When you stand under this, you have to kiss someone   
2.   Underneath means ________________ 
2.   This is made out of snow and often has eyes, a nose and stick arms 
3.   We roast these type of nuts on the fire.  
4.   What do people put under the Christmas tree and open on Christmas 

Winter Wonderland by Rod Stewart and Michael Buble

Before you watch: 

1`.  A meadow is a place ___________________
2.  What kind of person is a "parson"?  (clue) he can legally 
      marry you with someone
3.   What does Santa ride in the sky with reindeer pulling?

Mistletoe by Justin Bieber

Before you listen to the song: 

1.  Justin Bieber uses the word  "Imma" several times during the song. This is slang for  
      "I'm going to be" 

2.  Cheer is another word for joy. 

3.  What is this below?
4.  If you spend time "chilling" with someone, you ___  

5.  shawti is slang for ______________________________'

6. When you "stare" at someone, you ______

Many of us are afraid to tell the people we love how we feel, so we hide our feelings. Sometimes it's worth being brave and taking a chance to open up about those feelings. Who knows what could happen. Listen to the following song to see what Kelly Clarkson has to sat about it. 

Have you ever experienced a sad Christmas when everything reminded you of a former love? I'm sure you are not alone. As everyone knows even people whose heart is broken still get through it. The next song is about that. .