Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 7, 2012

Working in Canada

Everything you Need to Know About Your Occupation in One Place 



Are you feeling frustrated about not making any progress in finding a job in Canada? Do you find yourself wondering what you are doing wrong? 
Maybe you live in the wrong city. Maybe there is no need for the kind of work you do there, or maybe you just aren't using the right strategies to find the job you want.
If you are serious about wanting to work in your own field of expertise, Working in Canada
is a very useful website created  by the Canadian government to provide people with as much information as possible about all the occupations in Canada.

The tools at Working in Canada can help you find the name and a description of what your occupation is called in Canada. It can also identify the main tasks the jobs involves and the skills required for that particular trade or occupation. 

You may think what's the point? An engineer is an engineer no matter what country you come from. Unfortunately this is NOT TRUE. The name of your occupation in your home country may actually be different than it is in Canada. As well, the job duties and the skills required to do the job may also be quite different.
 Working in Canada
For example, many immigrants who have always considered themselves engineers in their country are only considered high level technicians in Canada because they don't have the full requirements to be Canadian Engineers.

Canada uses the National Occupational Classification (NOC)  to  classify more than 2 million job titles in its system. Doing some research on the Working in Canada Tool will tell what you just what specific duties, skills and specific training and education are required for you to be able to work in your field of expertise.
The website can also help you find out whether your occupation is regulated or non-regulated. There are two types of jobs in Canada. Regulated occupations require you to have a license.  Non-regulated occupations do not require a license. 
Ddifferent provinces and territories regulate occupations and trades such as nurses, engineers, physicians, teachers and dentists among others, but  about 80% pf Canadian workers work in non-regulated occupations.  

If you are a foreign-trained professional, working in a non-regulated job is a good way to start your career to gain Canadian experience, or while you are waiting to become licensed in a regulated profession.

Working in Canada can also help you find out 
  • what the outlook or prospects are like for your occupation, what jobs are currently available and what regions and cities they are located in, 
  • what the salary rates are for that occupation in different locations, and  
  • which associations and unions are related to your trade or profession.
Researching your occupation will help you learn about job opportunities and find the one that is right for you.   Click on the Working in Canada tool. You can also embed the widget on your own computer or iPhone.  

Working in Canada also has a very useful and informative Working Canada You Tube Channel   featuring  192 videos on various aspects of working and living in Canada.

The channel includes more than 70 videos on a wide range of occupations, which can give you a good idea of what duties and responsibilities are involved in a specific occupation as well as  the kind of characteristics prospective employees need to be able to do the job.

The following video is a brief tutorial on the Working in Canada site. 

Watch a Video:

Watch the following video about what a biomedical technician does on the job. There are subtitles, but try to listen ONLY and take notes on your first and second listening. Then, take the quiz below.  After that, go ahead and listen and read the subtitles at the same time.

How well did you understand? Take the quiz below. 

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