Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 9, 2012

I Won't Give Up

Are you finding things a little difficult now that you're back in school? Here's a song for any of you out there who need a little encouragement.  This is a great song to help you practice  pronunciation. Make sure you sing along with it after you finish the exercise.  I have added a second video that has the lyrics right on it.  Enjoy!   



This song has a lot of idioms, and useful expressions that native speakers frequently use.

1.  When you give up, you quit
  Example: I"m sorry. I give up. I don't know the answer. Can you tell me what it is.

2. When things get rough,  they become difficult

   Example:  Things got rough for me when I lost my job. I had to borrow money from my 
                     parents  just to pay the rent.

3.  When you need your space, you need the freedom to explore you own needs and 

Example: I think we're spending too much time together. I need more space to see other  friends and just to be alone.  

5.When your world is caving in,  something terrible  is happening 
to you. Your life is coming apart.

     Jane:      Kathy is acting as if her world is caving in. What's  her problem?
     Susan:    She's really depressed because her boyfriend   broke up with her last night. 
6. When you have a lot at stake, you are taking a big risk. The     result of what you are  doing is very important. 

Example:   You need to study hard for that exam in order to get     
                   very high marks because   a lot is at stake. If your 
                   marks are too low, you won't get into a good university.   
We often use the expression high stakes test or exam, when we refer to the TOEFL or  PELTS Exams. We also say high stakes presentation or meeting.  

6.   If you aretough, you are strong. You can handle  things.

John:    Are you sure you can handle this hike? It's a 1,000   metre climb. 
Mary:   Hey! Don't worry about me. I'm tough. I won't have  any problems.

7.   When you've come so far, you have made a lot of  progress.  You've improved a lot.

   I'm really proud of you John. You've come so far in  three months. Your English 
   vocabulary has doubled and I can understand everything you say.  


Practice the expressions by asking and answering the questions with your friends. Make sure you use the actual expression in your sentences. 

1. Do you give up quickly when things become difficult, or do you keep working at the 
    problem for a long time.  In what kind of situations do you give up more easily 
     than others?  Why?

2.  When is the last time things got roughfor you? What happened? How did you handle it?

3.  Do you ever tell people when you need some space? Why or why not? Where do you 
     go when you need some space?  

4. Talk about an experience you had when there was a lot at stake. What happened? Were 
     you successful?

5. Do you need to take a high stakes exam or test? What is it? Why do you need to take 

6. Have you ever felt like your world was caving in?Tell about what was happening at the 
     time. What did you do?

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