Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 1, 2014

This keeps us going

Last night Sonja and I led the first in this year's series of webinars for senior students. This is the fourth year in a row that we organize webinars aimed at students to help them with their exit exams. We had special guests from the Ministry of Education, the National Centre for External Evaluation of Education, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, the Agency for Science and Higher Education and the Open University Algebra. Technical support was, as always,  given by CARNet.

Today Sonja and I received a wonderful thank -you message by Hrvoje Lisac from CARNet, who made this (and many other previous webinars and teachmeets) run smoothly and without any glitches. In his message, Hrvoje said that this was one of the most visited webinars ever - all 200 seat were taken almost as soon as we opened the "door". Live streaming was functioning perfectly, with more than 350 views- 

So yes, we proved again that students really want to use new technologies for learning. And despite all obstacles, Sonja and I made it all happen. Together with our guests, we brought first hand information to students' homes in all parts of Croatia. One of the students wrote in the chatbox that the wind was blowing fiercely on his island making the internet really slow and even though he struggled with the sound, he was happy to be there with us. It's this what keeps us going, isn't it? 

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