Chủ Nhật, 22 tháng 7, 2012

Learning English with Mr. Duncan

Learning English with Mr Duncan
Do you enjoy laughing while you learn? If you do, I recommend that you spend some time watching Mr. Duncan on his Learning English videos channel. You will be happy you did. 

Mr. Duncan is a real English teacher who taught English conversation in China for several years. After he returned to the United Kingdom, he decided to create a series of free videos to teach English to anyone interested in learning English on line.  

Why would you enjoy these videos? 
  • They are very funny! It's always good to laugh while you are learning. You remember thing better, so you WILL learn some English. 
  • They are not too long. Most of them are between 4 and 10 minutes long. 
  •  All of the videos have subtitles.
  • His lessons cover many different types of topics: conversation strategies like apologizing, inviting and giving compliments, slang, office words, friends, technology, grammar and much more.
So far Mr. Duncan has created 73 videos on his Learning English with Mr. Duncan channel, but he also has several other video series that are just as interesting, entertaining and informative. 

These are
  • The Word Stop: A series in which Mr. Duncan explains a new word in each episode.
  • Mind Your English  A British TV comedy series from the late 1970's. Mr Brown teaches English to a class of foreign students. Needless to say, misunderstandings and confusion ensue. 
  • Ask Mr. Duncan  : a series of 27 videos in which Mr. Duncan answers questions from viewers about vocabulary, slang, grammar and many other types of topics. 
I strongly recommend watching Mr. Duncan, especially if you need a break from all that serious "academic" English. He reminds me of Mr. Bean and I don't know anyone who doesn't know and like Mr. Bean. 

Topic: Stress and Worry

Topic: Body Language 

Ask Mr. Duncan

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