Thứ Ba, 11 tháng 12, 2012

Learn English with Christmas Songs Part1


Many of you have finished your English classes for this term. But that doesn't mean you should stop practicing your English.

The Christmas season is now in full swing, so this is an excellent time to have fun practicing your English with Christmas activities. 

Get into the spirit of Christmas by singing

One of my favourite activities during the Christmas season is singing Christmas songs and carols.  In fact, one of my earliest memories is sitting outside my parents' bedroom door at 6 o'clock on Christmas morning singing "Santa Claus is Coming to Town." 

There are hundreds of wonderful songs you can listen and sing along to. Some are traditional carols that focus on the religious aspect of Christmas. Others are popular songs that focus on what Christmas means for many different people: family, friends, home, snow, magic.... 

During the next few weeks, I will be posting a variety of Christmas activities to help you practice your English. Today, I will begin with a few famous Christmas songs that you may or may not already know.   

Listen to the songs. Fill in the blanks. Then sing along as many times as you can.  It will help you improve your listening, speaking, pronunciation and even your vocabulary. 

Santa Claus is Coming to Town 

This song was originally written for children in order to warn them to be good boys and girls if they wanted to get presents from Santa Claus. The song has now been turned into a pop song that also appeals to young people and adults. Many different artists have sung it, but the most popular version is by singer Mariah Carey.  I have added the children's sing-along version as well.  Try singing along with both versions.

Let It Snow

If you don't live in a winter climate, this seems like an unusual song to sing at Christmas, but if you live in the northern part of North America, Christmas usually means lots of snow, and brings many happy memories for most people.  This version of "Let it Snow" by Dean Martin has always been a huge favourite for millions of people in North America.   I hope you enjoy it.


 Jingle Bell Rock

Jingle Bell Rock is a dance party song written in the 1950s when rock and roll was still very new. It immediately became popular because it was such a happy song and was so much fun to sing and dance to. It still remains very popular and almost everybody in North America knows the word by heart and can sing along to the words without looking at a piece of paper. Try singing along. You'll love it.

Come back tomorrow for more Christmas songs, vocabulary, videos, readings, games and other activities. 

Share the love ! 
If you enoyed this post, invite your friends and family to join in the fun, or post this to Facebook or any other social site you belong to   

What are some of YOUR favourite Christmas songs that you would like to see here? Why do you like them?  

Leave a comment and I will try to post them.  

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