Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 4, 2013

What's New and Different?

Hi there folks!  I;m sorry that I haven't posted in a while. I've been extremely busy, but that doesn't mean I have forgotten you. 

Daily Listening Speaking  Activities  

If you are interested in practicing listening and speaking everyday, but don't have an organized plan or system, go to my  HOMEWORK  page.  

I have been teaching Listening and Speaking classes for the past two terms.  Every day I post a lot of specific listening and speaking activities.  I usually try to include a variety of types of listening activities:

Some of these include: 

  • Listening practice ( TOEFL, IELTS,  TOEIC) 
  • Listening and speaking skill based practice 
  • news quizzes ( ESL News and regular news)
  • video quizzes
  • songs 
  • long and short dialogues
  • mini lectures and talks 
  • Podcasts 
  • weather forecasts  
  • TV show recommendations 
  • pronunciation activities

I have also started to add focused grammar listening, and grammar drills aimed at specific problems many students have. 

TV. Movie and News Pages To Come :  

Some of my future plans for the blog include setting up a TELEVISION and MOVIE page with a lot of good information and links about TV shows and movies along with some activities.  I also plan to create a NEWS page with a variety of tips, exercises and links on  how to listen to, read and understand both slow ESL newcasts  created specifically for ESL students, and  regular newcasts  with online interactive activities. 

Please Let Me know How I'm Doing  

How do you like the  blog so far?  Is there anything I'm NOT putting on here that you would like to see or read?  

Please let me know what I am doing well and in which areas I could improve. Although this blog is something I do for love of my students and ESL learners all over the world,  I don't get much feedback online. One comment from a reader makes all the work I put into this worth something. 

If you don't know how to leave a comment, go to the left hand side of he page and read the post I wrote on How to Write a Comment 

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