Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 5, 2013

Chris Hadfield: Space Superstar

Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield has made space "cool" again. For the past five months Hadfield, the Canadian commander of the International Space Station, has tweeted, snapped stunning photos and regularly contacted folks back home.

On Sunday, hours before his planned return to earth, he left orbit in style tweeting a video of himself as Major Tom in a remake of David Bowie's  classic hit , " Space Oddity." 

The video, shows Hadfield singing a "revised" version of Bowie's song aboard the International Space Station while floating in space, looking out the window at the earth,

The first music video ever shot in space was sent to earth via twitter and quickly went viral.
Since it first appeared on You Tube on Sunday, it has been viewed more 6.9 million times.

David Bowie, who released the original song  in 1969 when astronaut Neil Armstrong’s first walked on the moon, was among thousands to tweet it. 

“Hallo Spaceboy,” he wrote, recalling a song from his album, Outside.

The video and the reaction  has gained around the world has been a musical climax to  mission in which Commander Hadfield has attracted a global audience with updates from 240 miles up.

Hadfield, who is already a Twitter sensation with more than 800,000 followers, has posted incredible pictures of the world from space, including of Africa and war-torn Syria.He has also  posted dozens of videos demonstrating everything from how to  brush your teeth, and wring out a cloth  in weightless space to what happens to tears. 

His poetic tweets, photos and videos have changed the way many think about space, 44 years after he was inspired to go there as a nine-year-old watching the Moon landings at his parents’ Ontario farm.

To learn more about Chris Hadfield and why he is so popular click on any of the following links. 

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