Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 4, 2012

Choosing Baby's Gender

Dear readers, 
I've been so busy lately that I've taken a little break from posting; however I will be back soon, probably within the next week. If there is anything you would like me to write about or discuss, please let me know in the comment box, or email me. 

Choosing Baby's Gender? 

In the meantime, here is writing question to give you a chance to practice expressing and supporting an opinion with valid, logical reasons.

In 2004 Canada prohibited  medical methods that would allow parents to choose their baby's sex. However, the United States has clinics that make it possible for families select the gender of their child. As a result, many Canadians  are traveling to the United States to make sure their baby is a boy OR a girl.

Countries such as China, South Korea and India have  practiced sex section for some time; however  according to an analysis in the CMAJ  Canadian Medical Association Journal  in the next 20 years, there will be 10% to 20% more young men than women in large parts of China and India because of sex selection. According to the study, this surplus of boys will have serious effects social effects


Do you think parents should have the right to choose whether their baby will be a boy or a girl, and to get rid of the baby if they find out they are having a girl?  Explain your reasons.

Write your opinion in the comment box below.

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