Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 4, 2012

Teaching students how to present

No one has ever taught me how to present. I learned it first by watching good and not so good speakers at virtual and IRL conferences, then by reading about it online and finally by doing it. And I'm still learning.

No one has ever taught me how to teach presenting. I have never been asked to teach my students how to acquire presentation skills. But I'm doing it because I strongly believe that presentation skills are as essential for 21st century students as are critical thinking or problem-solving skills.

My students learn how to present by doing it, not only in front of their classmates, but also in front of an international audience of their peers. Yes, I'm talking about StudentsMeet, an informal gathering of students, which we first organized in February and which gave the students from ten schools in seven countries a great opportunity to talk about their interests, to connect with their peers in real time, to speak English, to listen to many different accents, and to learn how to become a confident speaker.

We're doing it again, on April 24.This time our students will talk about their countries - we'll learn more about Croatia, Turkey, Italy, Poland and Romania. We'd love to learn about other countries as well. Your students are more than welcome. Just sign up here.

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