Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 1, 2015

English Love Vocabulary/Words List

We all want to express our love to our loved ones. So, I am putting a love words list here for you guys.

BEAUTY: attractiveness, charm, elegance, grace, loveliness  

CHARM: attraction, fascination, glamour  

CONSORT: companion, comrade, mate, partner, soul-mate, spouse  

DELIGHT: enjoyment, gladness, happiness, joy, pleasure  

DEVOTION: affection, attachment, fidelity, loyalty, dedication  

DIGNITY: elegance, grace, stateliness  

FOREVER: always, eternity, perpetuity 

HAPPINESS: bliss, cheerfulness, contentment, delight, joyfulness  

HOPE: faith, optimism, reliance, belief, desire, wish  

JOY: bliss, delight, elation, gladness, happiness  

LOYALTY: allegiance, constancy, devotion, faithfulness, fidelity  

MARRIAGE: matrimony, nuptials, wedding, wedlock, bond, union  

PROMISE: pledge, vow  

RENEWAL: enlivenment, invigoration, regeneration, revival  

RESPECT: admiration, appreciation, esteem, favor, honor, regard  

SACRIFICE: dedication, devotion, offering  

SINCERITY: candidness, candor, frankness, genuineness, honesty,  

SPIRIT: being, heart, mind, psyche, soul, energy, life, verve  

WISDOM: wiseness, insight, judgment, knowledge 

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