Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 1, 2015

TOEFL Intermediate Vocabulary List B

TOEFL is an examination that evaluates the ability of non-native speakers to use and understand English in academic environment. Here is a TOEFL vocabulary exam vocabulary list...

Beautify – Verb – To embellish or make beautiful
            It is fun to beautify the house at the holidays.

Bedroom – Noun – A room furnished with a bed, intended primarily for sleeping (Adjective – Suggestive of sexual relations)

Behave – Verb – To conduct yourself properly
            It is important for children to behave in public.

Betrayed – Verb – To fail a trust or promise, a traitor
            Divorce is common if a person is betrayed by their spouse.
Binoculars – Noun – An instrument for seeing far off objects
            You should use binoculars to watch birds.

Bipartisan – Adjective – Involving members of two opposing parties
            Issues like the environment should be bipartisan.

Birthday – Noun – The day of a person’s birth
            My birthday is April 5th.

Blizzard – Noun – Severe snowstorm
            We only had one blizzard this winter.

Bounce – Verb – To cause to rebound
            Children like to bounce balls.

Boundary – Noun – A separating line, something that indicates fixed limits
            The US and Canada share a boundary.

Bountiful – Adjective – Having a lot, plentiful
            Trees are bountiful in Ann Arbor.

Brief – Adjective – Short length or duration, concise (Noun – official letter/ruling)
            Give a brief summary of this book.

Bright – Adjective – Shiny or intelligent
            The sun is very bright.

Brilliant – Adjective – Distinctively bright
            No, the sun isn’t bright, it’s brilliant.

Brink – Noun – The top edge of a steep place

            I am at the brink of the cliff.

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