Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 1, 2015

Most Common Grammar Mistakes - “If I was” or “If I were”?

“If I was” or “If I were”?

This article points out a grammar mistake that causes much confusion, and also how to get it right.
Wrong: If I was an elephant, I would give you a ride.
Correct: If I were an elephant, I would give you a ride.
Wrong: If I were rude, I apologize.
Correct: If I was rude, I apologize.
“If I were” is more for situations when you are imagining things, usually followed by a sentence on what you would do in that situation.
If I were you, I would read more books about animals.
If he were an animal, he would be a parrot!
“If I was” is more for things that could have happened in the past or now.
If he was singing that well, he should become a singer. (This is an answer to a girl who told me that when her friend sang just now, her heart melted)
If she really was kind to animals, I respect her. (This is a thought after reading news about a girl saving a cat from drowning, but you are not really sure whether it’s true)
Here is an example of the differences between “If I were” and “If I was”.
If she was hardworking, she would be a famous singer by now. <– I’ve only met her once and all I know is she wants to be a famous singer.
If she were hardworking, she would be a famous singer by now. <– I know her very well; she wants to be a famous singer but she’s very lazy.
Conclusion: “If I were” is for imagination. “If I was” is for things that could have happened.

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