Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 1, 2015

Modals: Will / Would Explanation and Exercises

Modals: Will / Would

will / won’t + base form of the verb

1.    John will pick you up at 7:00am.
2.    Beth won’t be happy with the results of the exam.

Polite Request or Statement

Will / Would + base form of the verb
1.    Will you please take the trash out?
2.    Would you mind if I sat here?
3.    I’d (I would) like to sign up for your workshop.

Habitual Past Action

Would/Wouldn’t + base form of the verb
1.    When I was a child, I would spend hours playing with my train set.
2.    Peter wouldn’t eat broccoli when he was a kid. He loves it now.

Exercises: will, would

Fill in the blanks with one of the following words: will, won’t, would, wouldn’t.
1.    Will you please help me lift this box?
1.    I ______ like to order the onion soup please.
2.    The manager _______ be pleased to hear that a customer slipped on the wet floor.
3.    _______ it be okay if I slept here tonight?
4.    When Igor lived in Russia, he ________ call his mother as often as he does now.
5.    I can assure you sir, the order ______ be shipped out tonight.
1.    would
2.    won’t
3.    would
4.    wouldn’t
5.    will

Exercises – All Modals

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the following modals:
can, could, be able to, may, might, shall, should, must, have to, don’t have to, need to
- You may have to make the modals negative according to the context of the sentence.
- There may be more than one possibility.
1.    He has to take his car to be serviced. The brakes are squeaking.
2.    Would you please save me a seat at the dinner event.
1.    If you are sick, you ________ go to work. You’ll infect everyone there.
2.    Drivers _______ stop at red lights.
3.    You _______ finish the proposal today. You can finish it tomorrow.
4.    She ______ hear much better with her new hearing aids.
5.    ______ I order us a bottle of wine?
6.    Sam ______ pick his daughter up from school. She’s taking the bus home.
7.    You _____________ smoke here. It’s a smoke-free building.
8.    You ________ eat so many sweets. They are bad for you.
9.    _________ you mind walking a little faster? We’re going to be late.
10.  I’m sorry. I _______ help you. I don’t know how to do it.
1.    shouldn’t
2.    must
3.    don’t have to
4.    can
5.    shall
6.    needn’t
7.    mustn’t
8.    shouldn’t
9.    would
10.  can’t

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